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Since turning 28 a couple of weeks ago, I humbly welcome all the new beginnings, while also reflecting on the obstacles I’ve overcome. I am super excited that I am finally taking the time to start my blog. I’ve always wanted to blog and feel I have a lot to offer.

For me, when I'm going through something I prefer to talk to someone who has been through that same situation and learn how they handled it. There are many of us who seek advice & feedback on different areas of our lives whether it's if our outfit looks right, choosing a major in college, how to save money for a rainy day, finding the right guy, how to be a submissive wife, recipes and everything under the sun.

I always find myself giving advice or feedback to my friends and family to help and encourage them, often times based on experiences I’ve been through. That's why I have decided to start this blog to lend my knowledge ranging across a variety of topics. Can I be fabulously informal with you?

Now what does "Fabulously Informal" mean you say? I love the feel of being comfy, cute and fabulous!  From my home decor, to my style, to my conversation.  I've never desired to have a ‘look but don't touch’ room, I prefer ‘Look, feel, sit, don't mess up my (bleep)! LOL!l or something like that. It's just my life's motto.  I'm not here to be politically correct and/or please the masses. I am here to listen and share my thoughts while keeping it fabulous and informal.

In college I majored in entrepreneurship with a focus in real estate, which is a fairly new major. After researching and switching my major a couple of times, entrepreneurship seemed interesting and, if all else failed in the corporate world, I would learn how to start my own business in real estate. Most classes harped on business plans, product creation and marketing and really had me dismissing the thought of a traditional 9-5.  I didn’t have a viable idea outside of real estate and Lord knows I did NOT want to follow the virgin hair distributor trend (definitely don’t need more of those) in my opinion, of course.

June  2015 

Upon graduating from college, my family and I moved to sunny California, the land of opportunity, right? Well, something like that. I had been on several different interviews, and offered 2 out 11 of those jobs. It was a very stressful process, so much so that I decided to ditch “Corporate America” and become a business owner.


I was scared. I mean they taught me how to be an entrepreneur, right? Well it's a bit different when it's time to apply all that knowledge. I knew Real estate was something that I always had a love for.  It just makes sense to me.  Building wealth, owning property, and helping others to own and achieve their dreams seems so fulfilling.  I plan to become a realtor and also start a real estate investing company.  I’ve noticed the most successful and happiest people are doing what they love.  Although this wasn’t my husband and I’s initial plan but I believe the Lord Is aligning my path perfectly.  I am currently studying to take the state exam to be a licensed realtor in California and I am absolutely sure this is what I am supposed to be doing. I live for the days of being my own boss, having lunch with my son or husband when I want, blogging and sharing with others without the shackles of a cubicle haunting me.  Life's too short to not do what you love, or at least pursue it, I mean if not now, when? I would love to hear what dreams or goals you want to accomplish.  Let’s talk about it!

2010 - present

2010 - present

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