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MAY  2016 




Speaking on the grind and establishing your work ethic

I’m sure we can all appreciate making moves to reach our goals. Everyone has that one thing they’ve always dreamed of for themselves. Your own business, higher education goals, community leadership and politics, or simply being a great parent.  What does it take to get you there?  Do you have it to give?  What are you willing to do to bring your goals to fruition?


Strive relentlessly.  Jealously protect your vision.  Be not deterred.


Grinding is one of the most overused phrases to come out of the Black community in a while.  Everyone sees their work, legit or not, as their hustle.  Everyone says they are “grinding it out in these streets”.  What’s your personal definition of grinding?  To that person who is in bed by 10PM and up by 6AM to bust their hump at the office, they’re grinding.  To the person with the baby on the way working as many double shifts they can at work, they’re grinding.  To the aspiring businessman or woman who works a day job THEN his or her own business afterward and is sleeping three hours a night, that’s the grind.  My point is, everyone’s definition of giving their all is different.  I call it my theory of 100%.  How do you perceive you're giving your all?  Are you averaging 100% on the regular? 

What’s your goal in life?  Are you on the path to make it happen?  When you research your goal, are you 100% on it?  Are you aligning your educational path to get qualified for your goal? Enrolled in night school? Are you hitting the books 100% or are you part-timing it?  Who’s on your team?  Are you surrounding yourself with people that work as hard as you?  Are they focused?  Are they giving 100% on their own goals?  If they aren’t pushing for themselves what can they offer you?  What can you learn from them and vice versa?


Dig deep.  Gut check.  The only way you can make your dreams come true is to be consistently working at it.


It doesn’t always take money to advance yourself in the game.  Make two lists.. one of things you can accomplish that take money and one of things that you can do that doesn’t (for instance, internet research and study, practice\rehearsal, public speaking practice, window shopping for the right equipment, supplies or wardrobe, or simply identifying a weak point and focusing on strengthening it).



Don’t get caught up in the crabs-in-a-barrel mentality.  If you see another entrepreneur on a similar path to yours, don’t hate on them, check out what they’re doing right and see what you can learn from them.  Maybe even check out what they’re doing wrong to avoid the same potholes and pitfalls.  Here’s an idea… see if there is a short-term partnership you can form to further both your agendas.  Maybe a zoning law to challenge or a distributor you can get price breaks from by purchasing jointly or… use your imagination.  It’s not mandatory to team up with another entrepreneur at all but don’t spend time trying to hold another entrepreneur back.  Get yours but avoid the backstabbing and cutthroat tactics that invite karma to educate you the hard way.

Entrepreneurs should apply the theory of 100% wisely.  As you grow try to move away from carrying your workload alone.  Surround yourself with trustworthy people and delegate where possible.  Granted that your “team” may start out as one additional person.. probably a family member inducted into your 'voluntary mandatory' intern program.  The key thing is that there be someone who you are comfortable trusting with a process.  Someone who you can teach to handle tasks as you would.  And keep your eyes open for ambitious, bright candidates for your team.  They may not know what you know in the beginning but drive and work ethic go a long way with the right tutelage.

"Surround yourself with trustworthy people and delegate where possible..."

That said, remember, in the beginning stages you are your greatest asset.  You are the pacesetter within your team.  Your team is only going to work as hard as they see you working.  You set the tone and intensity for the progress of your vision.


Though the tone of this piece sounds like it's geared toward entrepreneurs, the practice of focus, dedication, commitment and sacrifice applies to ANYTHING you are trying to do to move ahead.  Be it your studies, parenting, employment goals or whatever you're passionate about.  Be that. 


Whatever it is that you choose to give your 100% to, be sure it feeds that fire in your belly.  Follow your dream and you will never work a day in your life.  Why give 100% of yourself making another person or company rich?  Strive relentlessly.  Jealously protect your vision.  Be not deterred.  Oh, and get some sleep every once in a while.

Vernon R. Heard



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