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 L I F E ' S    T O O

Editor- Vernon Heard

 JUNE  2015 

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind for me.  Nine weeks ago I was informed I had a brain tumor a little larger than a golf ball.  Can't say it was life changing hearing the news because I had no idea it was there and felt fine.  But the news was frightening and everything that I'd  felt certain was my future was suddenly all in question.  Everything.  I went through the questions... "Will my family be OK if I die?",  "Was I good person?", "How will my influence reflect in my son's life when I'm gone? Have I taught him what he needs to know?", "Am I proud of myself?"  Devastating questions when you think your time could possibly be up.  I'm fortunate to now be in recovery from brain surgery two weeks ago.  So far, so good.


My experience inspired me to write this message.. life is too short.  The phrase has been repeated to cliche' status but there is merit in the message.  Get what you came for.  Make your actions in your life count.  I'm not talking about breaking out the activism soapbox, I'm talking about self actualization, self empowerment, education, love, goals, and the things within your universe that you can control.

Sometimes we adults have to be reminded of the same things we're conditioned to tell our kids.  We can do ANYTHING we set our minds to.  Anything.  The possibilities remain endless as long as we are stay hungry to do that next thing.  Follow your heart and your intuition. 


If you're on a course you're not happy with, change it.  Go to school online, night school, quit the day job and go to day school and work nights.. whatever it takes to effect change is in your control.  Just have the cajones to make the first move.  You most likely won't ever look back with regret.


If you're on a course you ARE happy with, by all means stay the course.  Hustle harder.  Double down.  Don't let outside influence deter you from your focus, be it a mother, father, sister, brother, lover, wife or friend.  Let's not forget that number one candidate for holding you back, yourself.  Whatever your goal, make sure you advance on it with at least one action per day.  No matter how small.  When you're in bed at night ask yourself what was that one thing I did today toward my goal? 


Build yourself a mental mirror and look in it often.  Be frank with yourself without dragging yourself down.  Life is too short to not get what you want out of it. 

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Support this positive speaker and filmmaker, Emeka Mbadiwe.  He speaks on issues concerning the youth and motivates people to reach their highest potential.  You can keep up with him at or via social media at...




"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right"

-Henry Ford


Never be afraid to reinvent yourself.  Just because you're not 18 anymore doesn't mean starting from a clean slate doesn't apply to you anymore.  Learn, observe, do.  It all applies to you if you let it.  Learn from your peers AND your rivals.  Don't get caught up in trying to outdo or hold down the next person that's doing their thing.  My cousin quoted something yesterday that he'd read that was pretty insightful.. "while you're busy trying to hold someone else down, you're down also" (or something like that).  You, yourself, can't ascend while you're holding someone else down."  So if someone hustles harder than you, observe why they're winning.  Firm handshake, eye contact and congratulate them.  Learn, observe, do.


Like I said earlier, build that mental mirror and look in it often.  Get what you came for.  Life's too short.




V. Ray



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