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Make Black History Month Everyday


Guest Editor-
Author, Quineka Ragsdale

The late Dr. Carter G Woodson was a very thorough historian who took his craft seriously. In learning the wonderfully rich history of Africans in America, he thought it was best that we had an appreciation week. His intent was that we'd use this week to spark the great interest in our history and that we would keep the flame going throughout the year.

Over time, the week spread to a month, but the spark continued to grow. We learned about Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Sojourner Truth, and Marcus Garvey, but now, we only hear about Martin Luther King Jr. He was a wonderful leader, but his leadership has been reduced to one line, from one speech although he gave more than 2500 speeches in his very short speaking carer.

We have to return to Carter G. Woodson's vision of learning who we are and where we have come from. We will not get that in the educational system, nor the media. Propaganda is consistently telling us we are failures, even more so during Woodsons' time, but he created this for us to pick ourselves up from our boot straps. Don't fail Woodson, take his month in stride and let it spark you until  next year when the spark is reignited.

By the time you read our newsletter in 2016, we want to hear of the progress you have made in learning your history. We want to know that you know of more than Martin Luther King Jr. or at least you know about the King that isn't't publicized. Stay motivated! Stay Inspired! Continue to progress!



- Q

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