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JUNE  2015 

Dionne Jones-Jones

DIONNE JONES-JONES is an experienced business woman that has several irons in the entrepreneurial fire.  She has two magazines in virtual and print formats and has recently launched a business consulting service in May called Jade Solutions Unlimited,  This native of Guyana now resides in Atlanta and is in the process of constructing a mini-empire.

In my opinion, we need to see more sustainable Black businesses get off the ground and get their wings.  I’m happy to be a part of that process.

You’ve got to be excited about the launch of your magazine.  What was your motivation for creating your magazine?

Someone in one of the Facebook business groups I’m in commented on out how there are a lot of big corporate advertisers in Black national publications and little to no small or midsize businesses.  Especially Black businesses.  I wondered about a platform that would allow the small to midsize businesses a medium to advertise.  Something that’s affordable and doesn’t cost thousands of dollars per month to advertise.  Most small businesses can’t afford national visibility provided by larger magazines.  It’s always a Catch 22 in that you need national visibility to grow your business but you can’t get national visibility until you grow your business.  I thought “why don’t I create it myself!”.  I have a medium to do so.  I’ve got a background in publishing, website creation, and business management so it seemed natural to start a magazine. 


You do a lot of networking via Facebook?

I have been on Facebook for many years and never was part of any of the business groups.  When I find a group and look at what’s being said it tends to get away from what the genre is supposed to be.  You’ll see social posts and the comments get so out of place.  I basically join business groups for networking opportunities and sharing information.  When I don’t find that, I move on.

So you weren’t able to implement your vision of providing a platform for Black businesses?

Unfortunately, the business group members that this magazine would have helped weren’t really forthcoming with their information to get advertising.  They were surprisingly slow to take advantage of an opportunity to promote their businesses.  Even for free.  We offered ad space and promotional opportunities to businesses for free at the start to members of FB business groups and very few provided bios or pics or artwork we needed to get them set up.  What would it take to send those things and give your business a boost?  I used to wonder if I was missing something.


What publications do you currently have online and on the newsstands?

I currently publish Guyana Nuptials, a magazine the profiles and promotes destination weddings in Guyana.  It features info on locations, events, vendors and about the country of Guyana.  The magazine is online as well as on newsstands.


Your newest baby is the business consulting company though.  Tell me a little about that.

The company is Jade Solutions Unlimited and we offer consulting, research and planning in all areas of business.  We can also prepare detailed, comprehensive business plans that address tough issues head-on. We handle the issues that our clients’ bankers and investors really care about; the issues that will determine our clients’ success.

I’ve looked over your client list and it sounds like you really hit the ground running with this. Is your focus still on small to midsize businesses?  ‘Cause, to be honest, it seems like this could be pretty expensive.

I’m the kind of person who doesn’t put prices for services on my website.  I try to keep the door open to businesses of all sizes to tailor my work to their needs and, at times, my price.  If I see someone earnestly working to get their business going, offering a needed service (especially in our community) but struggling financially, I will ensure that I meet them halfway to ensure their effort isn’t cut short because of unaffordable startup services.


I’ve learned this firsthand.  One of my first experiences was instrumental in getting me where I am today.  I helped a local business get their initial promotion off the ground for free. I didn’t think of, or probably didn’t know, the influence the client had in the country I was in and I needed to build confidence in my designing skills.  The client loved it and was very grateful.  From that one thing I was able to get some of the largest companies in Trinidad and Barbados to be my clients.


It’s not always about getting all the money you can at the front end.  In my opinion, we need to see more sustainable Black businesses get off the ground and get their wings.  I’m happy to be a part of that process.


Clearly Dionne is focused on growth.  Wishing much success in your endeavors!!


FACEBOOK: Jade Business Solutions






V. Ray


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