Lonely At The Top
by Vernon R. Heard As I get older and realize that my family elders have gone home, it dawns on my that I AM one of the new family elders....
Be The Glue
Written by Vernon R. Heard Positive Black Images Magazine These days I’ve witnessed the bond in families slowly grow thinner and thinner...
Raising Black Children in a Racist Society
Turn on the TV right now. Put the TV on mute and take a few moments to soak in any Black images you see. The girls prefer to obtain a...
"... I felt compelled to repurpose our visit to the museum as a lesson on the need for Black culture to be preserved and chronicled by...
The Death of The Matriarch
ma·tri·arch [mey-tree-ahrk] noun - 1. the female head of a family or tribal line. 2. a woman who is the founder or dominant member of a...
The Importance of Praising Children
How do kids know that they are wonderful if no one tells them? In a world where even our most esteemed celebrities are trying to be...
Faith & The Black Family
Contributing Writer: Rev. John Blouin New Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Houston, TX Faith is what gives a man his vision for the future. Our...
The Black Family
To keep it 100, I am not a journalist. I will, however, express my observations and talk about my experiences raising our son. I will...