This site is an evolving idea of founder Vernon R. Heard. The mission statement is simple.. to fill the void and absence of consistent, positive images of black people in the media and national psyche. I haven't "always dreamed" of creating this kind of site but I found it SO very necessary after growing tired of the character assassination of an entire race. Some of which, mind you, from its own members.
While I will profile black stars and media idols from time to time, our focus will be more on average black families and individuals that are fulfilling their dreams. Be they raising in-tact OR broken families, achieving educational goals, taking a positive role in their communities or just being day to day citizens. We are normal people who don't equate to media-fed, predisposed notions and expectations.
We hope to contribute to undermining the negative images that pervade our every turn and display what seems to be missing.
God bless us on this journey.
V. Ray