Perspective Is Everything: Otto Warmbier
When I heard of the return of #OttoWarmbier and his condition upon return, I was sad for his family because I have sons. However, I felt...

EDITORIAL: Willful Ignorance
There is a lot of feigned ignorance about wrongdoing in relation to the trigger-happy cops shooting Black citizens. I don’t mean the...

The Worthless Black Woman
Earlier today I received a text message from a friend requesting that I read an article he posted on Facebook and to give him my “view”...

Responsible Hip-Hop
There are significant black speakers and leaders in the community that are not getting their due. I don’t necessarily mean Al Sharpton...

Racism Exists...So What
I get it that racist attitudes worked to keep Blacks in subjugation back in the old days. I understand that the Ku Klux Klan has taken...

10 New Rules for Black Folks
In raising a family, I try to keep a recurring theme going in my household. While I try not to bash people (not out loud anyway, LOL!),...