Completing Video Edit For 'No Harm (Remix)' For Dirt Road Movements
The video edit for "No Harm (Remix)" is now complete. This live taping was a challenge to pull off. Thanks to everyone for their hard...

Post Production Begins: 'Our Daily Bread' Talk Show and the 'Overlooked Athletics' T
This week, we start post-production work on the Our Daily Bread Talk Show, as well as shoot promo spots for the show and other projects...

Music Video Shoot For Dirt Road Movements Song "No Harm (Remix)"
Today in Los Angeles we produced the live performance music video for client Dirt Road Movements and vocalist Demont Crawford. We...

Created Trailer For 'And1 Basketball Wives' Webisodes for Ifol TV Productions
Client project for IfolTV Productions. Watch now - it's about to pop off.

The Garage Series: Volume 1 is a wrap!!
A first glimpse at the first installment of the new rap cypher series we've created called The Garage Series: Volume 1. This episode...

A recent video shoot featuring Ryck Jane, Ramaj Eroc and Y.C.
One of the latest video projects we just shot is The Garage Series: Volume One, a rap cypher series featuring some of L.A.'s hottest...

Spec Target commercial in progress
Getting our hustle on - shooting a Target spec commercial! For our ad, "Rough Day", we casted a real-life mother and son as our...

Wilson Ramirez and Spirit Ramirez Acting Reel
Completed scripting and shooting a scene for acting reel for Wilson Ramirez and Spirit Ramirez.

'My Girl's Real Fly' for Corpse
We completed a music video for Life Take'n Records artist Corpse, "My Girl's Real Fly." We organized the casting, location, video...