Dirt Road Movements: 'No Harm' YouTube Marketing And Promotion Initiated for Promo Videos
No Harm marketing begins...intro videos and YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsvz-5QQG52Slww6FSq1UNw

Prep for The Anti Apparel Designs Launch, August 2017
We are in the studio, prepping for the Anti Apparel launch, slated for August 2017. Be on the lookout for more news and insider info.

James 'Fuzzy' West Website Build Complete
James 'Fuzzy' West website build now complete: www.jamesfuzzywest.com. James is a phenomenal singer, writer, and producer in the Kansas...

Recording/Producing "No Harm" single for Dirt Road Movements in Los Angeles
Back in the studio recording the "No Harm" single for Dirt Road Movements in LA. Stay tuned for when it drops!

Volume II of our Garage Cypher Series Dropped On YouTube Today!!
Finally got Volume II out of the lab and online!! Watch it now or see it on YouTube here.

Garage Cypher Vol. 2 video shoot
We began the Garage Cypher II video shoot, and man - this one is gonna be a banger.

Artist/Producer Daniel Crawford's Website Build Completed
We were honored to build out Daniel Crawford's website to promote his music. www.danielcrawfordofficial.com

Richard Turner Jr. Website Completed
The Richard Turner Jr. website build is now complete. Check out richardturnerjr.com to hear and buy Richard's beautiful music.

Logo Created for Houston Band Chicken And Waffles
Logo work for a local band building out their brand Chicken And Waffles...

The Garage Series: Volume 1 is a wrap!!
A first glimpse at the first installment of the new rap cypher series we've created called The Garage Series: Volume 1. This episode...